Manuscript Preparation
Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout. Authors should use a consistent
12-point font, preferably Times New Roman. Right margins should be unjustified (ragged). Do
not include
any special formats including small caps, paragraph adjustment, page numbering,
running header, or embedded citations, all of which make the editorial process
more difficult.
Manuscripts must include the following:
Title page: The
title page should include the article title, the authors’ name(s) as
they should appear in print, and the affiliations and degrees of all
authors. The name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail
address for the corresponding author should be provided. The title page
must also include a word count and running header of no more than 150
Abstracts: Structured
abstracts (Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions) of up to 250 words are
required for Original Research articles.
Case Reports should include an unstructured abstract of up to 200 words that
summarizes the main points of the case. Abstracts are not required for other
submissions including Editorials/Commentaries, Knowledge Applied to Practice,
Resident Issues, or Humanity articles.
Laboratory Results: All
results should be reported using SI units, including molar rather than
mass-based units for concentration in most cases.
Within the text, references should be numbered in the order they appear using
standard text and angular brackets (e.g., <1>) rather than using superscript
numbers. Do not leave any special word-processing software formatting commands
for sections or references embedded in the documents being submitted. References
should cite surname and initials for up to three authors. Fourth and subsequent
authors should be cited as “et
Manuscript Submission
Cover Letter: All
submissions should be accompanied by a brief cover letter. Within the cover
letter, the corresponding author should disclose potential conflicts of interest
and financial support, specify each author’s contribution to the work, and
indicate that all co-authors have had the opportunity to review the final
manuscript and have provided their permission to publish the manuscript.
Tables: Tables
must be prepared in MS Word or equivalent using the Table feature, and be part
of the main manuscript document. Tables cannot be used if they are in PowerPoint
or Excel, or if they are supplied as images. Each table should appear on a
separate page at the end of the article after the references. Each table should
have a title and be numbered in order of callout within the text. Excessive use
of horizontal lines and all shading should be avoided. Non-standard
abbreviations and units of measure should appear in the table or legend.
Figures: Each
individual figure should be uploaded as a separate digital file. Figures must be
clearly numbered in order of callout, and file names must match the figure
numbers in the text. Photographs should be saved as TIF files, 300 dpi, and five
inches in width. All photographs should be saved in greyscale.
If figures, tables, illustrations, or other material have been taken or adapted
from a previous publication, the authors are responsible for obtaining written
permission from the copyright holder to reproduce these items and providing said
written permission to "Health. Medical ecology. Science" at
the time of submission. If patients could possibly be identified by photographs
or descriptions within the manuscript, authors are responsible for obtaining
written consent from the patients to publish their photographs or descriptions.
Further questions or comments regarding manuscript submission can be sent to
Review and Editorial Processes
All submissions are initially reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or one of the
Editors. Articles judged unsuitable for "Health. Medical ecology. Science" will
be returned to the authors following this step, typically within four weeks.
Those meeting screening criteria will be forwarded for blinded peer review, with
the exception of Letters to the Editor and Images. Peer review comments will be
forwarded to a Decision Editor, who will decide whether the article should be
categorized as “Accept,” “Revise and Accept,” “Revise and Resubmit,” or “Reject.”
The Decision Editor will compose a response letter to the author. In most cases,
authors can expect a decision within 8 weeks of original manuscript submission.
Contacting "Health. Medical ecology. Science" Editors
Authors with questions regarding a submission or prospective authors who wish to
discuss a paper in the development stage are encouraged to contact the
Editor-in-Chief by e-mail at