«Health. Medical ecology. Science»
Far Eastern medical science and practical journal
Journal Masthead
«Agentstvo Soland»
Federal State Fiscal Agencies «1477 navy clinical hospital» of the Ministry of
defense of the Russian Federation
Research Institute of medical climatology and rehabilitology, Vladivostok
Department of Far Eastern Research Center of Lung Physiology and Pathology,
Editorial office address: 690105,
Russia, Vladivostok city, Russkaya street, 73g, Vladivostok branch FGBU «Far
Eastern Scientific Center of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration» RAMS –
Institute of Medical Climatology and Rehabilitation.
Corresponding Address:
690005, Russia, Vladivostok city, Ivanovskaya street, 4; Federal State Fiscal
Agencies «1477 navy clinical hospital» of the Ministry of defense of the Russian
Phone/Fax: (4232) 467814(555) Phone: +7(924) 7260626
Registration certificate:
МПТР РФ ПИ №20-0385 от 21.04.2004 г.
Editorial Board:
Andryukov B.G., Doctor of Sc. (Editor-in-Chief)
Besednova N.N., Academician
RAMS, Doctor of Sc., Prof.
Gel'tser B.I.,
Corresponding Member of RAMS,
Doctor of Sc., Prof.
Kiku P.F., Doctor of Sc., Prof. (Editor)
Gvozdenko T.A., Doctor of Sc.
Sementsov V.K., Doctor of Sc. (Moscow)
Somova L.M., Doctor of Sc., Prof.
Solov'ev A.P. (Editor)
Sulejmanov S.Sh., Doctor of Sc., Prof. (Khabarovsk)
Khristoforova N.K., Doctor of Sc., Prof.
Antonyuk M.V., Doctor of Sc., Prof.
I.L., Doctor of Sc. (St. Petersburg)
Kalinin A.V., Doctor of Sc.
Kalininsky P.P., Doctor of Sc.
Maslov D.V.
Medzhidova Kh.M., Ph.D.(Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky)
Novgorodtseva T.P., Doctor of Sc., Prof.
Polovov S.F., Ph.D.
Sejidov V.G., Doctor of Sc. |